Allyship and the State of the Sector: A Conversation with the Founders of the Nonprofit Professionals of Color Collective
Women in Development New Jersey is honored to host a conversation with Tyneisha Gibbs and Victoria Marie Fernandez , founders of the Nonprofit Professionals of Color Collective.
Tyneisha and Victoria will be discussing allyship and the state of the sector including supporting BIPOC Leaders, capital campaigns, the effect of the economy and levels of giving to BIPOC led organizations.
Tyneisha K. Gibbs is the founder and Principal Consultant of 144th & Vine, LLC, a nonprofit consulting agency, the co-founder and Executive Director of the Nonprofit Professionals of Color Collective and a philanthropist with Impact 100 Essex. As a state level educator, Mrs. Gibbs recently served as the Interim Chief Operations Officer and is currently the Director of Expanded Learning Opportunities for NJSACC: New Jersey’s Statewide Network for Afterschool Communities. In 2019, she was selected and recognized nationally as a White Riley Peterson Policy fellow, a prestigious fellowship named for the former US Secretary of Education, Dick Riley. Mrs. Gibbs is also a national speaker, trainer and facilitator, having presented at the US Department of Education’s Nita M. Lowey’s 21st Century Community Learning Center’s Summer Symposium and the National Afterschool Association annual convention for two years consecutively. Besides training and working in various roles for non- profit organizations throughout NJ, she is a PROUD member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, serving on both the local and regional levels. She was born in Newark, NJ and raised in the Jersey shore town of Neptune. In addition to being passionate about her career, she is a loving wife to Blair and mother to ReNee.
Interests: advocacy, social justice, nonprofit leadership, nonprofit consulting, race equity, corporate social responsibility, black-led nonprofits, black families.
Victoria Marie Fernandez, MPA (she/hers) is a nonprofit generalist with 20 years of experience and a particular passion for work in the arts. Since 2022, she has been the Director of Thriving Communities for the Grunin Foundation where she leads the foundation’s capacity building and EDIB (equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging) efforts. In June 2019, Vicki Co-Founded the Nonprofit Professionals of Color Collective with Tyneisha Gibbs (144th and Vine), a national group that seeks to support holistic development of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and other Persons of Color) leaders in our sector.
Vicki earned her BA at Ramapo College of NJ in Communications and Visual Arts, and MPA focused on non-profit administration at Rutgers – Newark School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA). She serves as a board member for the Institute of Music for Children in her hometown of Elizabeth, NJ; on the Steering for the Council of NJ Grantmakers’ (CNJG) Doing Good Better initiative; as a Curran Every Voice Fellow in Impact 100 Essex; and is a decorated Lifetime Girl Scout and adult volunteer.
She enjoys trying different artistic media and experimenting in the kitchen for fun. Her core values include creativity, ideation, justice, collaboration, service, and humor/joy. A campfire, fresh figs, walking bass line, and fireworks bring her instant happiness.
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