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Navigating Transitions

  • June 26, 2025
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Online - Zoom


  • Members are able to bring one guest to a roundtable per membership year. Guest MUST be included in member event registration. If you would like to add a guest after you have registered, please cancel your registration and re-register you AND your guest.
  • Members are able to bring one guest to a roundtable per membership year. Guest MUST be included in member event registration. If you would like to add a guest after you have registered, please cancel your registration and re-register you AND your guest.


About this Roundtable

For so long we talked about how ‘change is hard’. More recently, we have expanded our thinking to understand that most of what we think of as ‘change’ is actually ‘transition’.We talk about transition A LOT in 2025, but what do we actually mean by that? William Bridges, an early pioneer of organizational development, created an incredibly simple but profoundly powerful framework to give us both a structure and language to talk about the psychological process of adapting to change. LJN will share the model and then facilitate opportunities to individually and collectively reflect on how this model resonates and plays out in our personal, interpersonal, and professional lives, as well of course, in our organizations.

About the Speaker

Lorna Jane Norris
Founder, LJN Advisory

Lorna Jane is a British born singer, teaching artist, coach, and consultant. After 20 years of leadership experience in the nonprofit arts education sector in MA and NYC, she launched LJN Advisory in 2020, a consulting firm that partners with individuals and non-profit organizations to manage and embrace transition. Working at the intersection of coaching and consulting, her work includes individual and group coaching, meeting facilitation, strategic and leadership transition planning, and leadership search. Personal and professional experience has grounded her in the belief that the often uncomfortable space between ‘what is’ and ‘what could be’ is fertile ground for creativity, learning, and growth. A process based practitioner, Lorna Jane’s work is rooted in Gestalt principles, William Bridges’ Transitions model, and the RUMI quote, “Be like a tree: stay grounded, keep growing, and know when to let go”. LJN attended the Gestalt International Study Center for her coaching training, and is working towards the next level of coaching accreditation (Professional Coaching Credential - PCC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF) in 2025. Lorna Jane lives with her partner in central Vermont. She endeavors to live and work with the values of curiosity, transparency, loyalty, compassion, and humor.

Registration Information

  • Registration is required for all WID-NJ roundtable events
  • Free for members | $20 for non-members
  • All levels of experience in development, fundraising, and nonprofit management are welcome

To view a list of our upcoming events, visit www.widnewjersey.org/events and save your spots today!

info@widnewjersey.org | 3495 US 1, Suite #34, #1247, Princeton, NJ 08540

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